For many years my mom felt like she needed to cover herself up during the summer months because of the spotting she had on her back and neck. It was sad to see her feel uncomfortable about herself all those years growing up and not being able to offer her a solution myself with any topical products. What kinds of spots did she have? My mom had a combination of non cancerous spots called keratosis pilaris, skin tags and cherry angiomas. Sebaceous Keratosis is an excessive growth of skin cells. The cause of it is not quite known but genetics can play a role in the propensity to have this skin condition and is more likely after the age of 40. The above picture shows Sebborrheic Keratosis under a microscope.
The skin tags she had were getting worse every year and were clustered around her neck area. This is something that I noticed was common in her family. They are also an overgrowth of cells, but are just overgrowth of skin that are commonly found where there is more friction and folds in the skin such as neck, arm pits and groin area. A Solution with Thermocoagulation Treatment When my mom started the Thermocoagulation treatment from Touch Of Joy to have her skin spots removed safely she was ecstatic! She felt like she finally found a solution to something she had been dealing with for years. Thermocoagulation is a treatment that uses high frequency current that uses heat to coagulate blood capillaries and skin anomalies. The current used is restricted to the area of the skin tag or keratosis or cherry angioma making it a non invasive and a safe way to remove benign skin growths. This is a treatment that was a great success for my mom! As you can see the before and after photos are quite dramatic! She went from having hundreds of spots to not having ANY! It took a span of about 5-6 months of regular treatments every couple weeks to remove all of them. She had to use a high quality sunscreen, stay out of the sun and take care of her skin internally with her diet and lifestyle as well throughout the treatments. If you have any unusual skin spotting the first thing to do is to seek medical advise first to ensure it is benign and then you can proceed with seeking this treatment. I would highly advise against any DIY solutions and seek out a professional to remove these skin growths as their expertise and medical grade tools and equipment allows for the best and safest outcome.
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